Would You Be “Happy” to Lose 24 Hours’ Worth of Data?

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When we talk about best practices, we are typically referring to the practices used by successful companies to garner the best results. A new study by Disaster Recovery has shown that, as backup and recovery solutions go, enterprises are providing some pretty disappointing results as many fail to continuously back up their data and it results in additional inherent risk.


A lot of it has to do with perspective. Many businesses understand that there are too many risks out there to properly mitigate them all. In fact, in a study an amazing 72-percent of business surveyed would be happy to lose more than 24 hours of data if some type of cyber incident were to befall their network. This seems irrational, but since many businesses still rely on tape systems to back up their data, losing 24 hours worth of data is much more palatable than it probably should be.

Sure, by using tape backup your procedures will likely be more labor intensive and less automated; and, would result in more lost data. Some organizations admit that they don’t have any solution to back up their data. Amazingly, 13 percent of businesses surveyed said they didn’t have any form of backup. While using tape backup is better than using no backup, being “happy” to “only” lose a day’s worth of data probably shouldn’t be the perspective these people should have.


Businesses today rely on technology, even those that don’t handle a lot of data; but, data loss–of any kind–is unacceptable. So while some organizations consider a bit of data loss as the cost of doing business, the professional IT technicians at Succurri can’t stress enough that the goal should be to lose nothing, no matter what kind of business you run. If the largest of retail outfits could be done in by a data breach, your business can be. As a result, the modern SMB has to be more diligent, more prepared, and more careful than ever before.


For businesses that need a solution to protect their data from the numerous causes of loss, consider the managed IT services available through Succurri the solution to your problem. We not only provide proactive monitoring and management for all your IT, we protect it further with our Backup and Disaster Recovery service. We deploy a network attached storage facility and powerful and secure cloud computing platforms to provide businesses like yours with the data redundancy you are looking for in a reliable data backup solution.


For more information about data backup, disaster recovery, and the other IT services we deliver to protect your most crucial business assets, call us today at (206) 590-3312.


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Sarah W
Sarah W.

Phoenix Consultant

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