
How to Prepare for Your Onsite Visit

We follow a simple 5 step process during our onsite visits to get a lay of the land.

Simple, Informal, But Professional

Now that we’ve had a Discovery Call and you’ve decided to schedule an On-Site Visit, here is what you can expect when we stop by your offices. Our onsite visits can be as informal or as formal as you like.

Our 5 Step Process

We typically follow a 5 step process.

Sit down with the business and IT stakeholders

Perform a physical walk through of the office space to observe the tech you use

A look at the layout of where your technology is placed and how organized it is

Go through how people are using the tech vs. how you want them to be using it

Any special needs you might have

With the notes we take and observations we make, we’ll be able to present you with a quote for services.

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