Why Break/Fix Gives Business Owners Nightmares


Like cars and industrial equipment, computers are complex machines. To function properly they will need to be maintained, and sometimes fixed. Components inevitably fail, users (very) often make mistakes, and sometimes other people deliberately break things out of a litany of emotions. If your computer has seen better days, and you’ve done all you can, seeing if you can get it repaired will involve unhooking it and bringing to your local computer guy.

For the small business, that has to go through this routinely, it can be an absolute nightmare; and, that’s even before we talk about cost. The cost of getting your computer fixed can be all over the map. It can be a simple fix (that will likely annoy the break/fix technician), or it can be a smile and a shrug that implies you are going to have to buy another computer.

If it is fixable, the cost to get computers fixed is typically substantial, but it’s not the largest cost associated with broken technology; that would be downtime. Downtime can sometimes cause irrevocable damage. In fact, in one survey that asked small business owners how much they lost as a result of downtime found that the AVERAGE small business should expect to lose around $100,000 in downtime and downtime-related costs per year.

If your business can’t afford to lose $100, let alone $100,000, avoiding downtime should be at the very top of your list of priorities. But what about your broken computer? The fact that you will have to remove it or pay someone to come to your place to fix it should do enough to be open to the other option: Managed IT Services.

Managed IT services can help you get more out of your IT, while also significantly reducing the amount of IT-related downtime your organization has to tolerate. It does this by having certified technicians proactively monitoring and managing your hardware so if there are failing components, your hardware support costs are much less than they would be.

At Succurri, our priority is always keeping your business’ IT running effectivity, so your business can be as efficient as possible. With our proactive maintenance, and our certified technicians’ commitment to getting you the technology your staff needs to help improve your business, you’d expect our service to be expensive, but for an affordable monthly payment, you can get a professional IT staff who is dedicated to helping your organization to be the best business it can be. For more information call us today at (480) 795-2181.


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Sarah W
Sarah W.

Phoenix Consultant

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