Be Mindful of These Security Issues

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With all the stories in the news about data breach after data breach, it’s easy to get the idea that the only threats to your organization are those that are trying to break in.

This can be a dangerous oversight–one that could cost your business’ future. If you ignore the possibilities, you could very well be putting your organization in jeopardy. We’ll discuss some of the major internal dangers that your business could face.

Internal Fraud

Scammers take many different shapes and forms, and we know that the last thing you want to do as a business owner is anticipated some kind of internal fraud happening behind your back. Unfortunately, an organization that deals with data is going to have to anticipate this as a possibility, as data is extremely valuable in today’s business world. Therefore, you should have measures in place to limit access to important data. Employees should only have as many permissions as they need to effectively do their jobs, and nothing more.

Excessive Access

Endpoints must be secured from threats, and if they are not secured, they could become infected. Infections could spread to your network from any endpoint, whether it’s a workstation in-house or a mobile device carried in by an employee. It’s critical that all devices used by business have protections in place to ensure they are not vulnerable to attack.

Unsecured Applications

Your organization depends on software working the way you hope it to. While these applications are needed to ensure productivity, they also provide a window of opportunity for hackers and other threats to attack. If you don’t take the time to keep them patched and updated, they could become a threat to the success of your business. Even your cloud-based services must be secured adequately, as the slightest overlooked vulnerability could place your business at risk.

Human Error and Mismanagement

Any business that relies on people to get things done will always be at the mercy of the unknown. Users are prone to error, and there will always be situations where people make mistakes. This much is unavoidable. Any employee could find themselves making IT mistakes, but it’s important to remember that they can be prevented with proper foresight and best practices. Make sure that your employees know how important it is to review their work and ensure mistakes don’t happen.

Succurri can help you keep your business secure from issues related to network security and user error. To learn more, reach out to us today.


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Sarah W
Sarah W.

Phoenix Consultant

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