A lot of good can be accomplished by making a change to your business’ technology. On the other hand, if you don’t properly implement technology it can be a devastating blow to your business; and, not in the way you may think. With today’s employees getting more and more computer savvy, if you don’t feature the right technology, it could be a reason that your employees leave your company.
It is costly to continuously find and train new employees. In fact, multiple sources suggest that each new employee will cost any business in the neighbourhood of $4,000 (and 40-to-50 days) to get them up to speed. Other sources suggest it is as much as 60 per cent of the position’s salary. That’s a lot of scratches. With that much money being invested in finding, onboarding, and training new hires, retaining your company’s talent is important.
Provide the Technology to Fit the Workspace
Depending on what kind of business you run, you may be able to offer more mobile work experience. The open office, a much-debated feature of many modern companies, requires the business to have a strong and reliable wireless network. Since the open office promotes a more collaborative workspace, providing your team with tablets or laptops is a great way to set them up for success and productivity.
Make It Easy for Employees to Use their Devices
Another strategy you’ll want to promote is that of allowing your staff to utilize their own devices. People are most comfortable using devices they use day-in and day-out, so having a sound Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy is important. In order to accomplish this, you will want a strong mobile device management platform in place that will allow you to set the parameters of employee device access to your business’ network.
Properly Maintain Technology Systems
There is nothing that frustrates workers more than having problems with their technology at work, especially since many businesses depend on line-of-business software to efficiently manage business tasks. If an employee has to deal with a company-issued workstation or mobile device that is slow or not compatible with some of the most important software they need to do their jobs properly, there is a good chance that employee won’t be as satisfied as one that has both seamless access to information and properly maintained hardware at their disposal. Be sure to have a management and maintenance strategy in place that will proactively help you keep your employees’ technology working as intended.
Succurri can provide you with a lot of great value for designing and deploying technology that keeps your workers productive and happy. Our professional technicians have years of experience managing and maintaining all types of business technology, so you can focus on your business, not managing your technology. Call us at (206) 590-3312 to learn more.